Geckoella visit CMIST their supplier of Wildlife Boxes

Geckoella visit CMIST their supplier of Wildlife Boxes

Geckoella had a great time today visiting our favourite suppliers of wildlife boxes CMIST (Community Men in Sheds Taunton). CMIST Chair John Thwaite talked about the valuable work carried out by the volunteers, not only in terms of the direct benefits on mental health...
Blossoming Careers at Geckoella

Blossoming Careers at Geckoella

It’s the season for new growth and Geckoella is celebrating the promotion of our hard-working Ecologists Dela Collins to Consultant Ecologist and Sophie Pearce to Ecologist. Well done both! Everyone is really excited for you and enjoys watching your progress....
A Day in the Life of Vanessa Lloyd

A Day in the Life of Vanessa Lloyd

I’m Vanessa Lloyd, Geckoella’s ecologist. I joined Geckoella in 2021 after completing an MSc in Environmental Consultancy at the University West of England. I have a particular interest in freshwater and marine environments and I am Geckoella’s lead River Condition...