Geckoella’s first Geology and Wine Evening at East Quay this week was a huge success. Dr Andy King (now Watchet’s leading ‘Geology & Wine’ expert) looked very fine in his ‘Winosaur’ T-shirt and entertained all with his witty and fascinating geo-vino factoids! He showed us stunning slides of the regions of the wine we were quaffing and teased us with colourful Geology maps whose schists, soils and marls became increasingly difficult to pronounce as the evening went on.

We were treated to four delicious wines; two New World Whites, two Old World Reds. The room was divided as to which was the favourite, with some confusion over ‘minerality’ and ‘terroirs’. Some attempt was made to adhere to the esoteric nuances of wine speak but everyone very soon got over that, relaxed and drifted off into a very geo-lly evening indeed!

Many thanks to Andy for being speaker, Kate and Jan for their skillful waitressing (not a drop spilt) and as always huge thanks to the East Quay staff for all their hard work, organising and waitressing skills, and chef for creating the delicious nibbles on the night! If you would like to come to the next one, email us via our contacts page and we’ll pop you on the mailing list or keep an eye on our social media pages for announcements.