
Geckoella’s specialists have more than 30 years’ experience of geological and geomorphological site work across Britain. Our services are grouped under three categories:
- Geological site services
- Specialist palaeontological, stratigraphical and sedimentological services
- Training and Interpretation services
The opening of our new geological workshop facilities at East Quay, Watchet in Spring 2021, has further enhanced and extended the range of services we offer clients.

Geological site services
- Survey and assessment of geological features / geological importance of sites
- Survey and assessment of cliff and coastal erosion rates and geological advice relating to coastal zone management (including coastal defence options and their impact on geological coastal features)
- Advice on development mitigation and management of geological features
- Undertaking specialist liaison on geological site matters with landowners, local authorities, developers, national statutory bodies etc on behalf of clients
- Production of geodiversity and geological site management plans
- Provision of Geological Clerk of Works for geological sites (including SSSI and County Geological Sites) during development / construction stages and production of relevant Mitigation Plans, RAMS
- Advice on after-use and restoration plans for geological sites post-development /construction stages
- Provision of Proof of Evidence and Expert Witness for Hearings and Public Inquiries relating to geological sites
Specialist palaeontological, stratigraphical and sedimentological services
- Survey and assessment of palaeontological sites, faunas and stratigraphy (including AONB, National Nature Reserves, SSSI and County Geological Sites)
- Provision of palaeontological and stratigraphical Clerk of Works during site development / construction stages and production of relevant Mitigation Plans, RAMS
- Identification and age-determination of macro- and micro-palaeontological samples, including biostratigraphical analysis
- Analysis, composition and identification of sedimentological samples
- Specialist extraction of vertebrate and invertebrate palaeontological specimens (responsible collection of samples in consultation with relevant authorities, landowners, museums etc)
- Specialist sourcing, conservation and preparation of vertebrate and invertebrate palaeontological specimens for museum, gallery or private display / collections
Training and Interpretation services
- Organisation and provision of bespoke geological training and CPD events (including field trips) covering a broad range of topics including geological site conservation and management, stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeontology and mineralogy
- Provision of geological lectures and presentations suitable to a broad spectrum of audiences (from non-geologists to specialists and geological practitioners)
- Loan of geological specimens for training or promotional events
- Production of geological site interpretation, promotional literature, apps and signboard design
‘Watchet Town Council has employed Geckoella Ltd as specialist geological and ecological consultants in relation to ground subsidence and cliff erosion at our allotments and car park in Watchet.
They have provided outstanding technical expertise through Dr Andy King, a director and chief geologist and, and Jamie Foster who has conducted aerial drone surveys. They have provided technical assessments and detailed geological mapping which have proven key to allowing the council to manage the risks associated with ongoing land subsidence and cliff falls.
We are fortunate that we have a group who are based in Watchet who are establishing a nationally recognised capability in their field, and have been able to recommended them unreservedly to our Unitary authority in relation to undertaking studies of the wider coastal erosion issues we are facing locally and in West Somerset.’