Planning Advice for Local Authorities
Geckoella is currently supporting Local Authorities in their duties to further biodiversity, including through the provision of ecological advice on planning applications, strategic plans and habitat regulations assessments. This work is increasingly important and valuable as Biodiversity Net Gain becomes mandatory for all developments under the Environment Act 2021.
We also provide planning advice on geology, including the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, looking at the potential implications of development on internationally important earth heritage features
The work Geckoella carried out in support of the Jurassic Coast Trust, aimed to identify short term and long term impacts of planning applications on attributes of the World Heritage Site (such as the stratigraphic and geological structure, palaentological values, scientific and educational use and underlying geomorphological processes within the site). This is closely linked to conserving the Outstanding Universal Value of the WHS (in this case, the continuous exposed sequence through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous).