Cookson & Tickner Ltd – Crowcombe Court Park
2019 – Ongoing
Crowcombe Court Park is a registered historic parkland which lies within the Quantocks SSSI and AONB in Somerset. The Cascades, which were created in the late 18th century, formed the centrepiece of the pleasure gardens within the historic park.
Geckoella has been working on behalf of Cookson & Tickner Ltd by conducting surveys, mapping and producing an ecological report and ecological management plan to inform the development of a restoration plan for the series of heritage ponds and waterfalls (the Cascades).
We carried out a desk study, followed by several field surveys including an Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey, an eDNA analysis of the ponds and a preliminary bat roost assessment of trees and structures.
Geckoella has found the key issues on-site include the potential loss of SSSI woodland habitat, disturbance to bats, dormice, nesting birds, reptile and otter and also presence of invasive species.
Therefore, we will be providing ecological clerk of works (ECoW) services and working closely with the client and workers throughout the development phase. This project is still on-going.