Surveying Wetland Species for Natural England at Shapwick Heath
At the Avalon Marshes Centre at Shapwick Heath, Somerset, Natural England are hard at work restoring peatlands across the local SSSI. To improve conditions, works have been conducted across two sites and are due to commence on a third to re landscape and re-wet areas of peatland.
Substantive changes in habitat in important areas for ecology need to be carried out sensitively. In the long term, the large scale habitat changes will be beneficial for a whole range of wildlife, but they still need to be carried out in a way that reduces short-term impacts and addresses any legal requirements with regard to protected species. As a part of the preparation for these works, ecology surveys were carried out to better understand how key species and groups are currently using the site. As several protected and notable species are present, Geckoella was asked to assist with specialist advice regarding a suitable mitigation method which will enable works to go ahead whilst maintaining and enhancing conditions for key species such as Great Crested Newts and Hydrochara beetles, as well as addressing any legal requirements such as protected species licensing.