Teignbridge District Council – Wolborough Bat
The purpose was to determine the use of and importance of the site to bats, with a focus on horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus) as relevant to the South Hams Special Area of Conservation (SAC). In total, we deployed 12 static bat detectors over an area of 170 hectares to collect data for a minimum of 5 days per month from April to October. Over all 12 statics, we collected 872 nights of data, over double that which we tendered for. We used Wildlife Acoustics SongMeter 4 full-spectrum acoustic recorders with SMM-U2 microphones to ensure we recorded top-quality data. In addition, we did transect surveys every fortnight for this period, consisting of 4 transects covering the site. In total, we achieved 56 transects. We used Echometer Touch recorders and iPads for hand-held data collection and observations. All survey leads also carried an SM4 FS with a SMM-U2 microphone, secured above head height using a pole, to act as a backup recorder. The surveys were at least 3 hours long to ensure we did not miss any late horseshoes. We altered the start location and direction of travel each survey to reduce bias in the data, and also ensured to conduct at least one dusk-dawn survey in accordance with Collins 2016.
The surveying effort was a great success, resulting in over a million sound files to be processed by our excellent team of sound analysts using Kaleidoscope Pro software.
As part of our sound analysis protocol, all auto-classified bat calls other than Common/Soprano Pipistrelle are manually checked and ascribed where practical to species. 10% of auto-classified Common/Soprano pipistrelle calls are manually checked. This enables a check of the accuracy of the classifier as to which Pipistrelle species the call is ascribed, as well as an indication of the number of ‘hidden’ bat calls that may be present in the dataset, where Pipistrelle was the loudest call, but other bat species were also recorded.
The project was brought together by our team as a 33-page report and appendices, including species distribution maps over each season created in QGIS. At the clients request, we also composed a dataset of early and late horseshoe calls to establish if they were roosting nearby.

Client Testimonial
“I am pleased to provide a testimonial for Geckoella Ltd in relation to South Hams SAC Greater Horseshoe Bat survey work and mitigation policy advice. I work as Senior Ecologist for Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council including co -ordinating the South Hams SAC joint LPA Steering Group.
In 2019, I co – ordinated the procurement of a comprehensive greater horseshoe bat survey contract on behalf of Teignbridge District Council between April and October of approximately 100 hectares of allocated land at Wolborough near Newton Abbot. This is a highly complex and sensitive allocation and has been the subject of high court challenges and most recently an appeal at public inquiry (a Secretary of State call in) which is still on – going.
Geckoella Ltd was successfully awarded the contract amongst a high standard field winning overall on quality, presentation, and demonstration of managing complex projects and Habitats Regulations Assessment advisory work to LPAs in relation to SAC bats.
Kate Jeffries in leading the Geckoella team demonstrated a meticulously planned approach with high standards of professionalism throughout. Geckoella Ltd successfully delivered:
- Completion of full season activity survey, including landowner liaison, to the required high survey effort specification;
- Completion of precise analysis, interrogation and interpretation of survey data and findings;
- Presentation of findings based on precision analysis of data and survey limitations to facilitate the competent authority to draw robust conclusions on the relative importance of the area to South Hams SAC greater horseshoe bats and the likely effects of development;
- Expert knowledge of greater horseshoe bat ecology and HRA requirements;
Advice regarding presentation of public inquiry evidence including clear report structuring and reasoning, accessible to a wide-ranging and non-specialist readership; - Interpretation of survey findings to identify SAC bat requirements at a strategic landscape level;
- Advice on the development of planning guidance relating to greater horseshoe bats.
As well as informing higher level policies for both the allocation and the SAC strategic landscape, Geckoella’s completed survey report is acting as key evidence in assisting the inspector in their recommendations to the Secretary of State.
As a local planning authority, I found Geckoella’s highly professional and sensitive approach valuable in light of the complex range of planning issues and challenges we face in delivering well planned development which meets the high standard set by the Habitats Regulations.”