Geckoella Surveyors routinely carry out climbed inspections of trees that have been assessed as having potential to hold bat roosts – features maybe a series of woodpecker holes found high up in the canopy that is only accessible by careful climbing with ropes. By carrying out these visits surveyors are able to perform a thorough inspection of the cavities that could support bats rather than hoping to observe a bat emerging from them.
Geckoella tends to recommend a survey that is based on the tree’s suitability for bats, for the best trees we recommend getting a few climbs in during the maternity / nursery period between May and August with another climb in the mating period between September and October or the spring / autumn flux periods Mar-Apr / Nov-Dec respectively. Typically the best trees also have hibernation potential and so climbs can be done during the winter (Jan-Feb) as well.
Want to commission a tree climbing bat survey? Please contact us.